My numerology journey started during the corona phase in 2020 when like many of us got a spiritual awakening. I was always intrigued by astrology and had a keen inclination to learn this science. After a brief exposure to the theoretical aspects of planets, its placements and its aspects on different houses found it quite complex and difficult to understand and apply. Hence, I concluded that its too complicated for my understanding & learning.

Out of the blue I got a call from a numerologist who explained to me the power and effects of numbers and was encouraging me to take up a course. I was reluctant since I was still unsure of the effect of numbers. She started to give me predictions as per my mobile number. To my amazement she was spot on about my health issues and predicament in life.
Hence, I took up the course and started my journey in numerology and understand the power of numbers in our life. Its been over 4 years and over 300 clients that I have been practicing and offering consultancy. Since I like variety in life I have been constantly learning and upgrading my skills in numerology via different teachers. I can now confidently say that all our blessings in life & challenges in life accrue from these three Drivers in life:
1. Date Of Birth
2. Name
3. Mobile number
I will now cover in brief different aspects of the three drivers which impact our lives.
Date of birth
Your date of birth is the result of your past life karmas. The Date of birth can help us predict the blessings and challenges that life will have to offer. If the numbers in the date of birth are of benefic planets life can be predicted to be less challenging and lesser hurdles and delays. If the numbers belong to malefic planets chances are that you could experience more challenges, delays and hurdles in life.
The Benefic planet numbers are: 1, 3, 5,6. Malefic planet numbers are 4, 7, 8
Number 2 gives partial benefic and partial malefic results since its always in oscillating with waxing & waning periods.
Another aspect of importance is the combination of your birth number: i.e the day you were born along with the destiny number: the addition of all the numbers in your date of birth.
If these two numbers are friendly or aligned, then it’s a blessing; if they are not in sync or enemy numbers can give challenges in life.
A couple of more aspects that come in to play with your date of birth is how elements are aligned which can be analyzed via a Loshu grid. The elements being wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Is there a balance among the elements or if any element is missing or in excess. This can give predictions regarding finance, health, relationships.
The Vedic grid which helps give us give predictions in life is another Indian numerology tool that helps analyze the date of birth and help us give get a picture of how life can translate for a native
In addition to all of the above the personal year and the Dasha period also has a major impact in terms of what kind of time period a native is going through and when will time change for him for better or worse.
Names play a very important role in our lives, each letter gives a vibration, and a collation of the alphabets creates a number vibration. We use the Chaldean chart for analyzing these alphabets.
From the name we can analyze couple of things:
The first letter of the name gives certain characteristic personality features...
Each letter signifies a number, and that number signifies role of certain planets in our lives
Via Kabbala numerology we can assess which alphabet is currently ruling our lives and which impact it would create in our lives.
The total of the fist name and the full name number is extremely important to be in sync with the date of birth.
In case the total number which is also called the compound number is not in syn will create more challenges, obstacles and delays in life.
Since we are 24/7 occupied with use of our mobile phone, the mobile number that you carry emits certain vibrations. Each number in the mobile number again signifies planetary effects and these numbers will certainly play a role in events of our lives. No doubt that the last 4 digits create the effects faster and are mostly more visible than the other numbers in the mobile number.
You will be surprised to note that each number placement in the mobile number signifies a specific part of our life. And these numbers play a significant role in ensuring success in career, health, relationships and finance.
Its been my experience with my clients that after I understand their problems in life and evaluate all these three drivers I am able to clearly find the root cause for the problem and suggest solutions for the same. The remedies that I prescribe may be in form of change in mobile number, mantra jap, or listening to mantras & crystal therapy. Name change though popular is the last of the remedies since it takes time and effort to change vibrations of a name in a short period of time.
I have been fortunate enough to ensure that clients have been able to see transformation in a positive direction for post remedies. In addition to achieving their manifestations.
I would like to add a caveat that numerology as a science of numbers works in 70% to 80% of cases and astrology no doubt is more accurate.
And also want to state that the negative effects of the above can certainly be nullified if the individual is highly spiritual in nature.
Author: Vishal Sachdev
Dvine Design-
Insta Handle:
Note : The above are basis my experience and learning, others might have other point of view on the same. You can reach out to me for any clarifications.